I presented to some of the undergraduate students at Lincoln University today, I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to talk to them about my work and my experiences, as I was in the same position as them 2 years ago. The presentation was titled 'My Journey through Illustration from BA-MA'.
I talked honestly about the transition from undergrad to postgrad, what happened after my degree and also why I chose to undertake a Masters course. I wanted to show the students how my work has changed and developed over the past 2 year and wanted to give them an insight into the approaches and processes I use. The talk was then followed by a discussion about the definitions and boundaries regarding illustration and art.
The students were fully engaged throughout the talk and asked lots of insightful questions. Some of the students were thinking about studying a Masters and others were interested in my plans after the MA.
At the end of the talk some of the students had a look through my portfolio and asked a few more questions about the techniques I use. I then had the opportunity to look at some of the students work, which was really interesting to see what they were all up too in the studio.
It's been a great experience for me and something that I'd love to keep doing, I'd like to thank all the students for their comments and if anyone would like a copy of it or would like to chat further then email me at jessicarawlings1990@hotmail.co.uk.