Monday, 15 December 2014

Hillsborough College Photos

Hello Everyone!

Hope everyone's having a lovely start to the week.

Here's some photos that were taken a few weeks ago at one of my visits at Hillsborough College, hopefully I'll be able to share some of the fantastic prints they did soon.

Advising a student on lino printing at Hillsborough College

Students and staff listening to my presentation

Student hard at work lino printing

Thanks for looking

Bye for now

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Hillsborough College Workshop

Hello Everyone!

Over the past few weeks I've been engaging with different universities and colleges with delivering workshops and lectures.
Here's a quick post about my visit to my old college at Hillsborough in Sheffield. It was so nice to go back their and talk to the current students, the college seemed so much smaller than I remembered...

I gave a 20 minute presentation to A level and diploma level art students about my work and experiences. The aim of the presentation was to show the students an illustration pathway that they might not have considered yet. I reassured the students that I didn't know what I wanted to do after college when I was that their stage.
It was actually my college tutor who introduced me to studying illustration at university, I must admit I had never heard of it before!

I took the students through my journey from school to uni- I even managed to find my final college project which I found hidden away in an art folder! I haven't got the heart to throw any of my old art out!

Example of College Project based around Self Image

After the presentation I asked the students if they had any questions and then began the printmaking workshop about lino printing. I gave them a demonstration on cutting and printing and supplied them with hand outs on the process to keep referring too.

The workshop was designed around a commission the students were given by Chatsworth House. Chatsworth commissioned the students to create a unique piece of work based around the environment and surroundings.

By using my paper pop up piece as inspiration, the students collaborated with me to create a new pop up piece about Chatsworth House.

Students used my pop up paper piece as inspiration

All the students were really engaged throughout the workshop and produced some fantastic lino prints. Some of them had never produced work in this medium before so it was great to show them a new process.

If you would like any information about my print workshops that I deliver or would like to book me for your school, college or university then please don't hesitate to contact me via email -

Thanks for looking

Bye for now

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Louise Wilson Interview

Hello Everyone! 

I thought I'd share this interview of the recently deceased Louise Wilson (1962-2014) who was the Professor of Fashion Design at St. Martins. 
Louise talks about her own MA experiences and how education has changed. 
For people that are thinking about studying for an MA in the Arts, I'd suggest to give it a quick watch. 

Hope everyone's having a lovely Thursday afternoon 

Bye for now

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Lincoln Illustration Lecture

Hello Fellow Bloggers!

I thought I'd share with you what I've been up too recently. November has already been a busy month, which I have loved every minute of and there's still more to come!

A few weeks ago I was asked by the Illustration Department at  Lincoln University whether I would be willing to talk to some of the third year students about my work and how the MA Design Programme had informed my practice and I of course excitedly said yes!

So on Monday 17th November I spent a full day lecturing to the 2nd Year and 3rd Year Illustration students. I firstly introduced myself and explained how a lot of their visiting speakers probably talk about their working experiences- to give them an insight into the industry their going in too. But my presentation was going to be slightly different, I was more focused on showing them my work and what to expect after uni.

I wanted to speak quite honestly and open about my journey through Illustration, including the highs and the lows. I think a lot of illustrators suffer from creative block from time and time and it can get very frustrating and disheartening when a project isn't turning out exactly how you planned.
I reassured the students that this perfectly normal and problem solving is why creative people love what they do so much.

I know if I found the creative process easy then I would get very boring very quickly; but I think taking risks, challenging yourself and making mistakes are all part of the creative process and need to be practiced, whatever stage in your professional career.

All the students in 2nd and 3rd year were really engaged and came up to me afterwards to talk individually. They all had different thoughts on where their practice might be heading and I know a few of them were considering continuing in education towards a Masters. I hope some of the advice I gave them was taken as food for thought , as everyone's experiences and opinions are different.

Here's a few images of my Portfolio that I took in to show the students, they all seemed to really like the stock I had printed on, which is 300 gsm Somerset Printmaking Paper. We all agreed that printing on nice stock gives the work a richer quality.
A3 Box Portfolio
The box portfolio is effective when prints need extra attention and need to be handled.
A3 Box Portfolio
Left- Boxing Cows, Giclee Print.
Right - Run Rabbit Run, Giclee Print
A3 Box Portfolio
Left-  MA Dissertation 'Stepping Beyond the Familiar'
 Right- Giclee print called 'Have you got any Polos?' 

Thanks to the Lincoln Illustration Department for inviting me to talk to the students and the students themselves for being engaged and enthusiastic throughout my time there

If students would like any advice or the notes from the slides them please contact me via email at

Keep your eyes peeled for my next blog post about working with my old college on a Chatsworth House commission.

Thanks for looking
Bye for now

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Stepping Beyond the Familiar

Hi Everyone,

Here's a sneak preview of  my book 'Stepping Beyond the Familiar'.

Stepping Beyond the Familiar captures my experiences whilst studying for a Masters in Design and Illustration. The writing is set in chronological order and encompasses the changes in my development as a postgraduate student. My 'MA journey' is highlighted through various diary- like entries and vignettes, which illustrate significant moments in time when experimenting with new media and approaches with my creative work.

Front Cover 

The book offers an insight into the trials, tribulations and successes of being a postgraduate design student.  One of the document’s aims is to comfort those students who are questioning themselves, their practice and how they define what they do within the creative industry, by showing them that they are not alone in these intense thoughts. The writing therefore highlights some of my achievements whilst studying for an MA, but also emphasises the struggles of postgraduate development, by exposing those moments of uncertainty and doubt when exploring something new and unknown.

Back Cover
The book specifically takes the reader on my journey towards creating my new and experimental work, which was inspired by the act of wandering in the environment. My new work encompasses my encounters and experiences that are both seen and heard along a walk in the countryside. The work illustrates animals and objects that were seen in a variety of places such as: Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Doncaster Wildlife Park and Chatsworth House. Through visiting these places it provided me with the inspiration to create rich imagery, which aims to heighten people’s own experience of the world and encourage them to explore new places for themselves.

First inner page

Inspired by my surroundings, I incorporated my encounters, overheard conversations and snatches of dialogue heard along a journey. The conversations and dialogue in the work were documented by using a Dictaphone and a note book, which I carried around at all times. Through combining the senses of sight and sound into the work, it that provides the viewer with a more engaging, insightful and stimulating experience.

Double page spread

The narrative behind my creative work is solely directed from the my own experiences whist being outside and isn’t inspired by a pre-existing text. This approach has allowed for more freedom to self-publish and promote the work independently, which also breaks the conventions of the ‘traditional’ illustrator, who has a brief or a client to work with. The work is autonomous and self- directed, which raises questions around whether it is an illustration or a piece of art. This then bares questions around whether we need to ‘label’ ourselves to define what we do in contemporary art practice.

Book exhibited in MA Design Show

The book is currently exhibited in the MA Design Show for you to look through at your leisure. If you would like more information then don't hesitate to contact me at

Thanks for looking
Bye for now

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

MA Design Exhibition

Hello Everyone

Well the Private View for the MA Design Exhibition was a success! It was full of new friendly faces- all drinking wine and talking about Design.

I met lots of new and interesting people and got some lovely comments about my work. A big thank you to those who bought my work- I hope you all enjoy your new prints.

Here's some photos I took just before the show opened;

Here's how I displayed my work.
I'm so pleased with the frames, which were all done by Speed Frames in Lincoln. They are all white washed box frames, which I think act as a subtle backdrop against the busyness of the prints and gives the work a contemporary feel. The three pieces are priced individually at £70 unframed and £180 framed; they make a great bold statement in any space.

This little guy is called 'Horsey' and got lots of attention on the opening night, he's made out of MDF and is currently priced at £40.
I think he needs some friends to accompany him though so watch this space for more wooden creatures!

This paper pop up piece is titled 'Have you got any Polos?' and is inspired from the walks I used to go on as a child with my Nannan and Grandad in the countryside. We would always carry around a packet of polos with us and feed the horses with them, they used to love it when we walked by!
Safe to say that all the horses that lived near us had every minty breath!

Here's a photo of the gallery just before it was buzzing with people and got very warm indeed!
My work is on the far left; there's a great range of work displayed in the Show including illustration, stop motion animation, type design, pattern cutting, collaborative printmaking, graphic design and silversmithery.

The show is open Monday - Saturday, from 10am - 4pm and ends Saturday 27th September (my birthday) if your around then stop by and take a look.

Thanks for looking
Bye for now

Friday, 12 September 2014

Lincoln MA Design Exhibition TONIGHT 6-9 pm

Hi Everyone

Its finally here! The MA Design and MA Fine Art Final Show has arrived!! The Private View opens tonight 6-9pm at the Lincoln Art, Architecture and Design East Building in the Project Space. Here's a map of where the building is, see no 12.

The Gallery Space is located next to the door entrance on the left, you can't miss it! MA Fine Art are exhibiting on the Ground Floor with their Show 'Carry On Regardless' and MA Design are on the Upper Floor with their exhibition ironically called 'Upstairs'.

More information on the Gallery Space visit here:

Look out for these posters below, which will be plastered all around  Lincoln.

The MA Design Exhibitors include:

Jessica Rawlings -

Jamie Slinn -

Tom Bishop -

Ross Hammond

Rachel Heir

Laura Green

Yikai XU

Can't wait for tonight, its going to be a great show, looking forward to seeing lots of faces there

Monday, 2 June 2014

What a Difference a Year Makes

Hello Bloggers!

Well its that time again where the degree shows take centre stage at university's and I honestly can't believe that it was 2 years ago since I had mine! Just shows how much time flies and what a difference them years after graduation make.

The shows are always a great way to celebrate with family and friend and actually meet new people. As well as being able to stand back from your work and feel a great sense of accomplishment and pride.

But what do you do when that is all over?
I'm sure many will be thinking this over the coming months... I personally underwent a Masters degree to keep that momentum up and challenge myself and my practice. However, now I be graduating in September from my own course and am currently looking into different avenues and options in my chosen industry .

I thought I'd give you a little look at the CV that I've been putting together and any thoughts would be really helpful.

I wish all the undergrads good luck with their degree shows over the next few weeks and hope the future looks bright for all. This is an exciting time for us now, stay positive and be productive!

Thanks for looking
Bye for now

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Sheffield Print Fair @ The Millennium Galleries on 10th May 2014

Hello Everyone

Exciting news! I am pleased to announce that I will be exhibiting in the Sheffield Print Fair at the Millennium Galleries on Saturday 10th May.
I looks like it going to be a great day full of talented artists and printmakers.
Here's a link to the website below where you can find more information about the day and a list of the exhibiting stallholders

Sheffield Print Fair

If your around in Sheffield on 10th May then why not pop by and say hello, hopefully you'll find lots of inky goodies there!

Now to get planning some more prints for it :)

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Illustration Presentation

Hi Everyone!

I  presented to some of the undergraduate students at Lincoln University today, I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to talk to them about my work and my experiences, as I was in the same position as them 2 years ago. The presentation was titled 'My Journey through Illustration from BA-MA'.

I talked honestly about the transition from undergrad to postgrad, what happened after my degree and also why I chose to undertake a Masters course. I wanted to show the students how my work has changed and developed over the past 2 year and wanted to give them an insight into the approaches and processes I use. The talk was then followed by a discussion about the definitions and boundaries regarding illustration and art.

The students were fully engaged throughout the talk and asked lots of insightful questions. Some of the students were thinking about studying a Masters and others were interested in my plans after the MA.

At the end of the talk some of the students had a look through my portfolio and asked a few more questions about the techniques I use. I then had the opportunity to look at some of the students work, which was really interesting to see what they were all up too in the studio.

It's been a great experience for me and something that I'd love to keep doing, I'd like to thank all the students for their comments and if anyone would like a copy of it or would like to chat further then email me at 

Thursday, 23 January 2014

A Walk In The Park

Hello Everyone! 

Thought I'd share what I've been working on lately, below are the final images for the triptych that I have been working on. The work is in response to the different walks I've been on over the past few months, as I've leant what I hear and see inspires me. 

The different character's are all created from visiting different places, such as YSP, Chatsworth House, Yorkshire Wildlife Park etc. 

The illustrations below include my surroundingss, overhead conversations, snatches of dialogue, my thoughts and the quirky things that I saw that day. 

For example on the third piece in the centre of the work there are two boxing cows, this is developed from when I walked around the Yorkshire Sculpture Park and I passed a cow in the Longside field, he was just eating grass minding his own business until suddenly one cow came charging up towards him and nearly pushed him straight into me! This then triggered an idea and sparked new imagery, which I wouldn't have created if I was not there in at that moment. 

Page 1 

Page 2 

Page 3

All the work is printed on 300g Textured Somerset Paper, more photos will be unloaded soon.
Thanks for looking, comments welcome.